Lucknow Wala Catering Services


Fried Egg Recipe – Sunny Side Up by – Top Catering Services Lucknow

Fried Egg Recipe – Sunny Side Up  is delicious and nutrient rich quick recipe that you can make within a few minutes. This is an easy fix for a breakfast, with a glass of milk and a toast perhaps. You can also stuff this fried egg recipe between two bread toasts and add sauces and chutneys within with a salad leaf like lettuce to make it into an easy Egg sandwich.

Getting the balance right of a perfect yellow sunny egg on top of just cooked egg whites can be easy if you follow our recipe. The trick is to cook the egg on medium heat and not high heat and covering the pan for a few seconds to help cook the whites properly and yet keeping the yolk of the egg shiny and runny and cooked through. 

Serve Fried Egg Recipe – Sunny Side Up sprinkled with salt and pepper with Apple Almond Date Smoothie Recipe or a toast and Carrot Pineapple Orange Juice Recipe by the side. 

You can also look at few more easy Egg recipes like

  1. Cheesy Masala Omelette Recipe With Roasted Vegetables
  2. High Protein Spinach Basil & Cheese Omelette Recipe
  3. Asian Style Stuffed Omelette Recipe

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