Lucknow Wala Catering Services


Shanghai Style Mantou Recipe – Pan Fried Momos by – Top Catering Services Lucknow

  • Divide the dough into small lemon size portions of an inch in diameter. Dust the dough portions in flour and roll out into a circle. Don’t roll too thick, as the filling will push itself out and tear when steamed.

  • Place a small spoon of filling in the center of the rolled circle. Bring together the edges of the dough with a pinching and folding motion on one side and bring the other side to hold to the pinched side. By doing this, the half moon shaped momos will have a frilled look. Proceed the similar way with the remaining dough.

  • You can experiment with different shapes and sizes that you like. All it takes is some time and practice.

  • Heat a sauce pan with oil, then place these momos carefully, add a ladle of water or vegetable stock and immediately cover it with a lid and cook the momo for 10 minutes.

  • Once done, add soy and chili sauce and toss the momo evenly till it well coated.

  • Serve the Shanghai Style Mantou Recipe-Pan Fried Momo as a party appetizer or as a side dish along with Vegetable Manchow Soup for a delicious meal.

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