Lucknow Wala Catering Services


16 Refreshing Cucumber Salads Go Perfect With Lunch & Dinner Meal by – Top Catering Services Lucknow

Cucumber, is one of those vegetables which is used in almost every household. It is from Bitter Gourd family and is mainly used to make salads. While you can just slice the cucumbers and it on their own or you can make different kinds of salads by pairing it with different vegetables and adding your choice of dressing into it to make it more delicious and flavoursome.

Cucumber has the highest amount of water content i.e 96%, which is more than any other vegetables such as celery, lettuce, tomatoes, zucchini etc. Cucumber is high in nutrients and low in calories. Not only this, it has many health benefits too such as it contains antioxidants, promotes hydration, helps in weight loss, helps to control blood sugar etc. Different varieties of cucumbers are available in the market and is also considered a great vegetable to include in your daily diet. 

We believe that eating your meals in portions helps you to stay fit and healthy, and it is very important to include salads in your portion meals as they are great source of nutrients. And when we talk about Salads, first ingredients that comes to our mind is Cucumber. It is a vegetable that adds a freshness to the entire salad and enhances the taste even more.

In most of the Indian households, Cucumbers are just sliced and served as a salad, but if you are bored of the same sliced cucumber eating everyday, then we have some easy to make and delicious salads for you that you can make for your healthy meals along with a soup or serve it along with your meal. To make your cooking easier, we have lined up some recipes that you can try, the next time you are planning on to make a salad.

Indian Cucumber Salads

Continental Cucumber Salads

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