Lucknow Wala Catering Services


Missi Roti Recipe (Spiced Gram Flour Flat Bread) by – Top Catering Services Lucknow

  • To begin making the Missi Roti Recipe, combine all the ingredients together in a large bowl. Add a little water at a time and knead to make a firm and smooth dough.

  • Once the dough has come together, drizzle a little oil over the dough and knead to make it smooth and soft.

  • Cover the dough and allow it to rest for at least 15 minutes.

  • Divide the dough into 10 equal portions and shape into balls. Dust in a little flour and roll out each portion of dough into a 4-inch diameter circle.

  • Place the missi roti dough on a preheated iron skillet and cook on both sides using a little oil or ghee. Cook until lightly browned and cooked through. The missi roti will be little crisp from the outside and yet soft inside.

  • Proceed the same way with the remaining dough portions.

  • Serve the Missi Roti along with butter and your favorite Palak Makhana Recipe.

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